Tuesday, August 11, 2009


This week marks my 7th month after surgery. It's hard to believe. Those first 2 months were so hard. "So hard" is pretty much the understatement of the year. The pain, the needles, the helplessness, the pain, and did I mention the pain. :) I mentioned in this post how I would be thankful when needles hurt again. Well thankful might have been too strong a word but I am happy to say that when I had my lab work done last week wow did that needle hurt. So here I am 7 months later, doing great, pregnant (with my doctor's OK), and so blessed. I've said it before, but I can't say it enough...I am SO thankful for my Great Physician.

Over at Fort Thompson there's something new and fun going on. It's re-posting an old post that you want to share again. In the spirit of my 7th month post-op post, I wanted to share one my hubby put up after my surgery.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Shannon is out of surgery!

Her valve was repaired!

The surgeon said he was able to repair the valve, and that it went well. They will be watching her closely in ICU for the next few hours and days.

No replacement was necessary. What awesome things the Lord Has done! I know Shannon will be happy when she finds out that they were able to repair it instead of replacing it.

More details later.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Doesn't look like much now, but there's a steady heartbeat and we're excited!
10 weeks pregnant, due March 1st.