Yesterday Decaf was playing in the kitchen and decided to climb into the dustpan. Of course, being the obsessive compulsive clean freak blogger that I am I ran for my camera. Then hubby came in and added a little fun.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Dustpan Fun
Friday, December 26, 2008

Latte playing with a Wii knock-off my sister got her kids. You might be able to tell he really had to go to the bathroom but didn't want to take a break to go.
Decaf riding on a pink pony. Watch how she hangs her tongue out. :)
I hope everyone had a great Christmas. We did! We have great family and so much to be thankful for. Oh, and my little Decaf started walking on Christmas Eve!!!
Friday, December 19, 2008
As I was saying...

For the record, much of my buying comes from gift cards or Mom splurging when we're out together. Also, I figured posting about Starbucks two days in a row was more fun than posting about how in 20 days I'll be on a heart-lung machine for 6 hours while my heart is stopped.
So I'm keeping it light while I can. :)
Thursday, December 18, 2008
You know you're hooked when....
oh wait, this is Thursday...
Tonight while running errands I went through the drive-thru at Starbucks. Usually I have my son with me and I get him a cup of whip cream with a spoon. (see this post) Tonight he was home with Daddy and I didn't request the whip cream. I ordered my drink (Peppermint Mocha Twist Frappuccino) and one to bring back to my mom. At the window she took my money, handed me my drink and napkins, and then I remembered the whip cream. If he's not there I take a cup home to him. So I said, "Oh, I forgot to ask for some whip cream." And her reply was...
"I thought you looked familiar."
Now, this Starbucks is in a small town with a ginormous university. They must serve LOTS of people every day. Yet somehow I'm in there enough to have left an impression. Surely I'm not the only one who orders a side of whip cream? I don't know, maybe? But if I'm in there enough to "look familiar" when they see so many people each day, then I think I can narrow down where these few extra pounds have come from. :)
For a chance to get your own Starbucks card check out this giveaway, but be sure to do it quickly! It ends tomorrow!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
So here's some pictures of the hospital. It's actually not the whole hospital, just the heart and vascular center.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Random Thoughts
My son picked up a new word while at his Granny's. "Ain't" He uses it "correctly" too. And he's asked me 52 times since he got home Sunday night for some candy. Hmmm...I'm guessing there was plenty at Granny's house. I keep telling him he can't have any. Finally in a very exasperated tone he asked, "Well, at least do we have any in the house?!" As if just knowing it's in the house will help.
I should know today when my surgery is scheduled. The doctor's assistant called me yesterday to let me know they'd be calling today. :) She didn't want to leave me hanging. She asked if I'd thought of any questions and the only one I had was, "How long after surgery until I can lift things, like my children?" She said that they recommend nothing over 10 pounds for 6-8 weeks!!! That was disappointing to hear. We'll have to do lots of gentle snuggling in bed. I have no idea how to get my son to snuggle gently. We'll see....
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Our Trip to MUSC
He went over my replacement options in some more detail. For the tissue valve they would use a calf valve. It averages 5-10 years before needing to be replaced. Then my 3rd surgery would carry more risk. He said they don't have many patients that get 3 or more surgeries so they don't have as exact statistics. He said the 5-10 years is an average and depends on my body. Some will only last 2 years and he's had some last almost 20. One good thing was that he also said that pregnancy wouldn't speed up how quickly it wore out.
With a mechanical valve I wouldn't need any more surgeries. I would be on an oral blood thinner for live. I could possibly get pregnant but would have to switch over to a daily injection before I tried to get pregnant and throughout the pregnancy. It also carries some fetal risk. He said that 1-2% of the people on blood thinners die each year from complications. If I fell and skinned my knee while playing soccer with my son, not such a big deal. If I fell and hit my head it could cause fatal bleeding into my brain. So no horses, bicycles, contact sports (not that I play any!), etc.
So now I have more info to help me make this decision that I hate having to make. Yet, it has to be decided before I go to surgery. Our big prayer is for REPAIR!!!! That being said, I'll have my surgery in January. They will contact me the beginning of next week to set up the date. He wanted to give me some time to think of more questions. I will be 1 week in the hospital, 2 weeks at home doing nothing, 4 weeks getting back to doing stuff then 6 months until I really feel normal. He said by 8 weeks post-op I'll feel 90% back to normal but that last 10% takes up to 6 months.
So please continue to pray. I've already told my hubby he'll have to blog for me while I'm in the hospital. :) Gotta keep everyone up to date.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Time to Meet the Surgeon
I'm holding my breath & crossing my fingers in hopes of winning. :)
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Seasons of Life
Lamentations 3:22-23 "The LORD'S loving kindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. "
Great is Your faithfulness!!! Through everything. Everyday. Every season. Every battle. Anything and everything that life brings us. Great is His faithfulness.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Christmas Spirit Award

They are....You must be a true Christmas lover to receive this award.
The person to whom you give the award must also be in love with Christmas.
You must link back to the person who gave you the award.
You must list 5 things that you love about Christmas. If you can't limit it to 5 things, then keep going till you run out of space! :o)
Pass the award along to as many people as you like. That can be 1 or 45; it's up to you. But, you must pass it on to at least one person in order to keep the Christmas cheer going!
Let your recipients know that you have tagged them by leaving them a comment on their blog.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Turn Back Time Thursday

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
I'm not sure if a video counts as wordless. This is a photo montage from Decaf's birth and the couple of days after. My hubby made it, another of his many talents. The heading is Falling Photographs but it's not actually the title, just the style he used. He had to resize it big time to fit on the blog but it still looks good. Be sure your volume is on and pause my playlist at the bottom of this page first. (And I won't be too offended by those who don't watch the whole thing. I understand it's just not as sentimental when it's someone else's kid.)
Monday, December 1, 2008
Decisions To Make

And check out Focus on the Family's contest. You might win an iPod. :)
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Wordless Wednesday....Mostly

Did you check out my new header? Isn't it cute! A big thanks to my hubby for making it. He actually made it animated where the snow is falling in the background but we're having technical issues. :) He's so creative!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Word Verification

I'm pretty sure if you said that with the right accent you'd be cussing at somebody. :-) Now, I actually laughed when I saw it but I thought I'd go ahead and take mine off for now. If I start getting spam I'll turn it back on.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Not Me! Monday

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Now I have to head to bed and get ready for my Not Me! Monday. :-)
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Small Fryday Contest
And....pretty soon I will be having my own contest. I've got my hubby involved and we're getting our ideas together. Keep checking back!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
My Broken Heart
My test results showed a Cleft Mitral Valve with severe regurgitation, a small leak from my tricuspid valve, and my left atrium is slightly enlarged and pumping at 40% and the lowest they would want to see it is 50% so I'm below that. The outcome is that I do indeed need surgery and they aren't going to wait too long. I meet back with the doctor on Dec 1st and he'll have gone over the test again and have information for me regarding my surgery options.
While I knew that the results of the test would be along these lines it's still overwhelming. And I now know that I've been having symptoms for a few years that I've just attributed to being out of shape and having 2 kids. Oops. :-)
Now I have to give a big THANKS to Davisix for babysitting my kids last minute. They both fell asleep in their car seats about 2 minutes after we picked them up. I think they had a blast.
Lastly, check out JuJu's giveaway in honor of the Christmas season. A creative little gift.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Not Me! Monday and other stuff

Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Wall that Heals
I'm thankful for the blood that was shed for me on Calvary and for the sacrifices of these men and others.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Thanks, Rick!
And it's not to late to check out this giveaway at Better Home Interiors. Ends tonight at 9 mst. If I mention it I get another entry. :) I love the item they're giving!
Friday, November 14, 2008
This afternoon while Decaf was taking a nap I decided to hop in the shower. I got Latte all set up on my bed first with toys and a movie but was pretty sure he'd be in there bugging me before too long. About 5 minutes into the shower it dawned on me that he hadn't bugged me yet. That concerned me. I wasn't worried he'd run away or anything, but this morning when he wasn't bugging me he was cutting up a book......
I turned the water off and at that moment he comes in and says, "Mommy, don't I smell pretty?" I said, "What?" He said again, "Don't I smell nice. I put on lotion." At this point I was thinking Uh-oh, because I couldn't see any lotion on him. He came close and said, "Smell me." I looked and smelled and there was nothing. Then I noticed a light, wet look on his face and chest, almost like water. I was confused and he was just smiling and happy. "What did you do with the lotion, honey?" I asked him. He told me that he put the lotion bottle in his little toy basket. When I checked the toy basket what did I find.......
Green Eggs and.......Bologna?
The look on his face is him trying to be silly. NOT a reaction to my cooking!!!
This morning when Latte got up I ignored him for a few minutes and tried to sleep just a little longer. I was amazed that he busied himself and didn't bug me. I shouldn't have been amazed, I should have been worried. Because this is what I came out to.
What I thought was one of his favorite books was cut into many pieces. Now for the record, I didn't take this picture in front of him. He got in trouble and I didn't want to down-play it by taking a picture at that time. I'm just thankful it wasn't one of the few books on his bookshelf that are mine from when I was his age. And I'm glad the scissors weren't used on something his sister.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Bloggy-world and the Canadians
I have an old fish tank from a few years ago when I taught school. We've been hanging on to it for when Latte someday gets a fish. I had it semi-hidden but in his bedroom (It'd take to long to explain) but today he found it. There are those little rocks in the bottom and he and a little girl I was babysitting made a HUGE mess. Little fish tank rocks everywhere! Which drew Decaf like a magnet. It was awful. Plus his room was a mess to start with. It took us forever to clean it all up. Then when it's clean Latte starts running around yelling, "Quick, run before the Canadians get us!" ????? It took me about 10 minutes to remember he has a Veggie Tale movie where the Canadians are mentioned. (Minnesota Cuke) What a nut! I'm pretty sure he doesn't even know what a Canadian is.
Here's Latte pretending to roast marshmallows. What is he using for a marshmallow you may wonder. Leftover couch stuffing of course.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Wordless Wednesday

Can you guess what this next one is?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Davisix plus 1

(This picture is from Amazon but we have the book.) Anyways, still obsessing about the Davisix/seven. :-) What's really funny is that in the picture on this book the "daddy" is not exactly bald! Needless to say we'll be heading back over there soon. We could come up with a new slogan. Instead of Get Your Davisix Fix we could say Daviseven a Taste of Heaven. hahaha
On a separate note, when my hubby came home from work and I started telling him about my day he jokingly said, "That's ok dear, you don't have to tell me. I'll just read your blog." Am I hooked? Nooooo...........not me......
Monday, November 10, 2008
Not Me! Monday

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Big artist, little artist

My son also loves to draw and color. He combines the word and says he wants to "droler". It's cute and one thing I just don't correct him on every time. We have a huge chalkboard that was being thrown away at a high school and my son loves to draw on it. I have no artistic talent. So when he asked me to draw the family I started drawing stick figures. After drawing a couple my son said he would draw Decaf. This is what he drew.
After he finished he stepped back and said, "...umm.....uh.....she just has a head and legs. That's ok Mom, right?" I was so proud of him! He must take after his daddy.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Compliments & Compromises
Latte: "Mommy, can I have some m&m's please?"
Me: "Sure honey. How old are you?" (see, this leads into, you're 3 so you can have 3 m&m's)
Latte: "Umm..5!" (he obviously is wise to my ways)
Me: "No honey, you're only 3."
Latte: "But can I have 5?"
(This is where I think, Oh! I can teach him about compromising.)
Me: "Remember how Mommy was telling you about a compromise? Well if I want you to have 3 and you want to have 5, what's in the middle?"
Latte: "A Peanut!!!"
It was so funny!
This morning I was trying out the new "be a little independent" trick with his juice and cereal. Except that last night he got in our bed around 4:00 and ended up sleeping there until 9:00. Then I was rested and happy. I'll try it again tomorrow.
I finally have some information about my next cardiology appointment. I will go to the hospital on Nov. 18th to have a procedure done called a transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE). It's like an ultrasound from the inside. They insert a tube down your throat with a transducer at the end and that way they can get very close to your heart and get great images. My doctor has been waiting for the hospital to get the equipment in and this has been postponed a couple times the last 2 months. I'll meet with my cardiologist on Dec. 1st to get the results and see what he recommends as far as surgery. I hate all the waiting and wondering.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The kiddos
I'm trying a new trick in the morning. See, I'm a bit of a grouch in the morning. Umm...grouch could be putting it WAY too mildly. I tend to stay up too late then my mornings are rough. And for some reason God has given me a son that is a big-time early bird. I always feel so bad after I am grouchy with him. So tonight I got a juice cup ready and it's in the fridge, some cereal is in a bowl on the table (he doesn't always use milk) and I've told him about this and he should wake up and head to the kitchen instead of into my bed. We'll see how it goes. Knowing he's awake but not having to get out of bed right away should help me ease into my morning. I'll keep you posted. That's all for now! Goodnight!
Just an ordinary day
I have a friend who may soon be joining this blogging world. She's my best friend from my days growing up in Florida. I told her about my blog and after reading it and some others she's ready to join. Once she's up and running I'll let everyone know so they can check her out.
My son has asked about 3 more times to go see the "2 boys and 2 girls and lots of horses and the mommy". I like how he throws her in there now. :-) So we'll definitely be planning another get together.
I changed my playlist to holiday music. I love this time of the year. My hubby doesn't like Christmas stuff until Thanksgiving is over but I'm ready by now. Now Christmas is extra-special since we have a Christmas girl. My little Decaf has her first tooth coming in. She hasn't been too cranky yet so I guess it's not hurting too bad.
All this is definitely rambling today. It's just been an average day around here and I don't have anything too significant to blog about. But try to check out the link on my sidebar for "Zoey." That will give you plenty of reading material and someone to pray for.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The Important Vote
I am very heavy-hearted over the election. Surprised...not really. I think of the verse you will know a tree by its fruit and I wonder what fruit will we see. I get emails occasionally talking about President-elect Obama and they say how he could be ushering in the end times. Usually these emails have a panicky feeling to them and it's a "forward this to all your friends and warn them" kind of thing. My thoughts are BRING IT ON. The "end times" are gonna get me a lot closer to seeing Jesus. I'm just not one of those "oh, I want to see my kids grow up before the Lord returns" kind of person. No way! Come on that white horse Lord and get me outta here. But in the meantime, I am still so thankful and proud to be an American. And even with someone in office that I personally did not vote for, I'm not distraught. Because when it comes down to the line the one vote that really matters is the vote Jesus made on Calvary. He voted for me to live and for Him to take my sins. And because of that I have a home in Heaven that I am anxiously waiting to go to.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Bloggers United!
I loaded up the kids and went to meet Davisix today. Their farm is a little piece of Heaven on earth. The kids were sweet and fun. The boys played great together and Thing 4 just couldn't get enough of my little Decaf. To my disappointment, my son didn't even want to pet a horse. I finally convinced him and he briefly did but not with the excitement and enthusiasm I had hoped for. There was no jumping up and down asking for a horsie for Christmas. Maybe when Decaf gets bigger she'll like horses. My Leprechaun Latte did get to ride on a 4 wheeler and climb in the hayloft and go to a fort. At one point we were all in the house hanging out when I noticed my Latte was missing. When I called for him he yelled back that he was in the kitchen getting food. It was embarrassing but funny too. It's just like a child to think, "I'm hungry....they have a kitchen....I'll get food." I know he had fun because of how whiny he was on the ride home. He was worn out from all the playing. I had a great time. It was nice to have several hours of adult conversation and I'm pretty sure I've made a friend!!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Spiders & Sweet Potatoes (Totally Unrelated)

Naming the Family
I've added some pictures and info on my family. I originally had their real names up because of my lack of creativity. Then my hubby saw it and being the ever-paranoid half of the marriage, asked me to change it. I groaned and complained about not being able to think of anything and he said for me to pick something fun that I love and use that theme. Well I love Starbucks. He chose his pseudonym and helped me pick the kids. The kids will be called "Latte" and "Decaf". I think my son might be better titled as an espresso, but I'll stick with Latte. I considered going with the heart theme, but naming them something like "coronary artery" and "left ventricle" just wasn't working for me.
Now I have to go do a little cleaning and stop ignoring the children. :) But I'm pretty sure I'll blog more latter.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
What's in a name?
My parents nickname for me was always Sunshine Shannon and it's not a bad nickname. So that was the no-brainer part. Well, plain old Sunshine was already taken so I had to add something to it. I thought about my life and the Open Hearts is twofold. First, I am a child of God. I have a Savior who gave His life to save me and cleanse me from sin. I have a home in Heaven and I eagerly look forward to going there. But while on my journey here on earth I must have an open heart to my Lord and what His plans are for me here. He is my strength and I must remain open in order for Him to continue to fill me.
The second reason behind Open Hearts has to do, literally, with my heart. When I was 5 I had open-heart surgery in Birmingham, AL. The surgery was for an atrial-septal defect and repair of my mitral valve. Through all that my parents came to know the Lord. Now, 25 years later it looks like I will need another repair on my mitral valve. There is too much regurgitation and I have a chamber that is slightly enlarged. This surgery is actually fairly common these days and the risk is minimal. However, I'm still pretty nervous. It's so easy to get caught up in the "what ifs". And dwelling on the "what ifs" too long can really bring a person down. This is where I once again have to look to Jesus to give me strength for the journey. I'm sure I will blog plenty about this later, but this is how I came up with "Sunshine and Open Hearts."
So now the next hard decision in blogger-land is what do I call my kids. Davisix has Thing 1,2,3,&4. MckMama has totally cool names, and some others just use the first initials "E" or "M". I haven't decided yet. I think I can't compete and will probably just use their names or initials.
I am pretty computer savvy but this blogging is completely new to me and I feel a bit like a fish out of water. Hopefully in the next few days I get the hang of it and my blog will start looking better. I don't even know how often a person is supposed to blog. Is there some sort of unwritten rule? If you blog more than once a day are you considered pathetic? If you blog once a week do people think you're boring? I guess this is all part of the learning process.